Wednesday, 3 November 2010

The Gallery: Makes Me Smile

This week's prompt for The Gallery is 'Show Me The Funny'. Well, the following photo's aren't especially funny but they do make me smile every time I see them.
Nipper has problems with fine motor control and so struggles to hold a pencil properly. As a result he hardly ever wants to write or draw. I was absolutely thrilled when he brought this card home from nursery for Mother's Day earlier this year.

Nipper and Tiddler love to help me with the laundry. Inside the card was this:

The photo of Nipper makes me laugh every time I see it because it's him all over.

Nipper has Asperger's Syndrome and we have a lot of challenging behaviour to deal with. Sometimes its too easy to see only the disability and forget the little boy living with it. This photo is great at helping me to remember that.



  1. Put a little tear in my eye that did. I can see why such a lovely card made you smile.
    What a wonderful post about your gorgeous little boy x

  2. Brought a tear to my eye this did. I can completely understand why the card made me smile.
    Such a lovely card by such a gorgeous little boy.
    Lovely post x

  3. I love seeing children's pictures and wobbly writing. What a gorgeous little boy he is!

  4. I love this. And he is just beautiful. How lucky you are!

  5. Awww bless! That's just lovely! You must be proud!

  6. Awww! He is adorable!! He's done much better then what I ever could do.. me & art just dont go together!!

  7. What a beautiful post, very touching. I don't know much about Aspergers syndrome tbh but I'm sure it's not plain sailing. He's gorgeous x

  8. awww! love it!! that's the cutest thing, I'd have wept like a baby if one of my girls made a similar card, very, very cute! :)

  9. Ahhhh! That would make me smile every time I saw it too! What a fabulous card :) x

  10. Lovely picture and lovely post. Just came over from BMB to say hi.


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