Wednesday, 20 October 2010

The Gallery: The Colour Red

This weeks Gallery subject is 'The Colour Red' to tie in somewhat with Hallowe'en coming up. I don't have any Hallowe'en related photo's, nor very many that feature much red for that matter, but I do have this one:

This was taken  at Shabbington Fair or possibly the Royal County Show during the summer of 2009 so Nipper had just turned 3 years old. Take him to an agricultural or a steam fair and he's in his element. I think this is a combine harvester though I'm probably wrong??

I'm going to cheat as usual and add a second photo:

I don't have many flowering plants in the garden at the moment but each year this lovely Peony pushes it's way through all the weeds. I just love Peonies. Unfortunately Nipper took a garden cane and walloped the heads off every flowering plant in the garden. I was so shocked when I saw what he'd done that I was speechless. We didn't have many flowers to start with and had none by the time he'd finished. Good job I'd taken a piccy then, albeit a slightly blurry one!



  1. that sounds like my toddler's approach to gardening... great photos :)

  2. GORGEOUS peony, love love love it! xx

  3. I almost didn't see Nipper to begin with! He blended in well with the combine harvester! Great example of the colour red :)

  4. Perfect photo of a boy and a big machine and that peony is beautiful!

  5. Love those handsome combine harvesters! Great pic and those Shows are always fab - don't have them on the same scale in NZ. I cheated with way too many photos... Got so carried away and thanks for dropping by my blog. Red ended up bringing back so many memories.

  6. Lovely photos! I think red was an excellent prompt :)

  7. That's a huge piece of machinery.
    I bet you were speechless about the flowers....I would be too!

  8. I had to go back and see nipper as he had escaped my glance first time round, beautiful peonies and I would have been so disappointed if all of my flowers had been decapitated.


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